How will my ebooks and/or audiobooks be delivered?

Upon completing your transaction, you will receive two emails. The first will be from me, confirming your transaction. The second will be from BookFunnel and will contain instructions on how to redeem your digital purchase. If your BookFunnel email doesn't arrive within a couple minutes, please check your spam/junk/promotions folder. 

If you don't receive the email with your download link, you can get your book from your BookFunnel library at https://my.BookFunnel.com.

I'm having trouble downloading my digital content. Where can I get help?

BookFunnel has an amazing customer support team who will be happy to help you with any technical questions/difficulties. You can contact them at help@bookfunnel.com.

Where can I read/listen to my book?

The BookFunnel Cloud Reader and Player is supported on the following devices:

  • PC, Mac, and UNIX computers.
  • iOS 10+ devices (2012 or newer with iOS 10+)
  • Android 4.0 devices (2012 or newer)
  • Amazon Fire Tablets 2nd Gen+ (2012 or newer)
  • Nook Tablets (2014 or newer)

You can also download the BookFunnel app in the Apple and Google Play stores.

Do you ship signed books internationally?

At this time, shipping is only offered within the United States.

Why can't I purchase from my country?

Sales tax requirements vary from country to country and in some territories are restrictive for small businesses. I will continue to evaluate tax requirements and update countries as appropriate.

What is your refund policy?

Digital items (ebooks and audiobooks): Because digital items are delivered immediately, no refunds will be given for these products. If you experience technical difficulties downloading/accessing your ebook or audiobook, please contact help@bookfunnel.com.

In the event of a duplicate purchase, please email sawyer@sawyerbennett.com for a refund.

Paperback/Hardcover books: Due to the personalized nature of these products, signed paperbacks and hardcovers are non-returnable. If your shipment is damaged upon arrival, please contact sawyer@sawyerbennett.com to discuss exchange/replacement options.